Blogs » Personal » My manifesto

My manifesto

  • As I grow older (and wiser?) it occurs to me more and more that life is constantly slipping away.  Days turn into weeks.  Weeks roll over into months, and months give way to years.  Faster and faster.  I can’t stop it.  Why try? It’s the natural order of things.  But……still I resist, constantly fight back against atrophy. Self aware that my body is slowly but constantly betraying me.  To run, jump, piss on the ceiling, all are becoming more difficult. I am quietly offended. Focused on the distractions.  I keep it to myself for the most part, but my job doesn’t help.  I’m privileged to be a part of a great organization full of dedicated, courageous, and athletic people.  But with every new crop of young bucks comes the realization that I have lost a step. My star is fading. It’s my honor to assist others to maintain life and..... sometimes see them into eternity.  With this honor comes the real life vision of my own end.  I’m constantly reminded that neither my body nor my accomplishments will last. They will fade into eternity like all those before me.  Will I have made a difference?  Something….Anything indelible?  We’ll see.    It’s a crap shoot.  To live to be old, feeble, misunderstood, treated like a child again, forgotten.  Or to go out at the top of my game, with spring in my feet, vigor, close to all that I love, with a purpose.  I don’t know, I’m hoping for the middle ground.  For me it’s not my choice.  I leave it to God, He knows.  He will pick me up what ever the out come.   But, for today, I have air in my lungs, love in my heart,....I have LIFE.  Life to live.   How to use it is my only concern.  Choices, today I have choices.  I chose to love.  I chose to treat others better than myself.  I chose to cherish my family and friends and not let them down.  I chose to raise my children to be independent, reliant on God, not me.  I chose to love my Lord and Savior for He is everything!.  It’s what turns my crank, gives me purpose.  I hope my simple manifesto might in some way help others to the realization that with Jesus Christ in your life you can have that sweet, deep, feeling of peace and success. These earthy bodies just don’t last.  Trust me, I know.   


    BJP  08/64 to ????  God knows